Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Use "hemolytic disease of the newborn" in a Sentence

Example Sentences for "hemolytic disease of the newborn"
  1. It can be detected by routine antenatal antibody screening blood tests in a similar way to Rh disease. The treatment of hemolytic disease of the newborn (anti-K) is similar to the management of Rh disease
  2. It can be detected by routine antenatal antibody screening blood tests in a similar way to Rh disease. The treatment of hemolytic disease of the newborn (anti-Rhc) is similar to the management of Rh disease
  3. Hemolytic disease of the newborn can range from a mild to a severe disease. It is the third most common cause of severe HDN. Rh disease is the most common and hemolytic disease of the newborn (anti-Kell) is the second most common cause of severe HDN
  4. Mothers who are negative for the Kell1 antigen develop antibodies after being exposed to red blood cells that are positive for Kell1. Over half of the cases of hemolytic disease of the newborn owing the anti-Kell antibodies are caused by multiple blood transfusions, with the remainder due to a previous pregnancy with a Kell1 positive baby
  5. In ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn maternal IgG antibodies with specificity for the ABO blood group system pass through the placenta to the fetal circulation where they can cause hemolysis of fetal red blood cells which can lead to fetal anemia and HDN. In contrast to Rh disease, about half of the cases of ABO HDN occur in a firstborn baby and ABO HDN does not become more severe after further pregnancies
  6. Rh disease disease, Rhesus incompatibility, Rhesus disease, RhD Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn, Rhesus D Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn or RhD HDN) is one of the causes of hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) . The disease ranges from mild to severe, and typically occurs only in some second or subsequent pregnancies of Rh negative women where the fetus's father is Rh positive, leading to a Rh+ pregnancy. During birth, the mother may be exposed to the infant's blood, and this causes the development of antibodies, which may affect the health of subsequent Rh+ pregnancies. In mild cases, the fetus may have mild anaemia with reticulocytosis. In moderate or severe cases the fetus may have a more marked anaemia and erythroblastosis (erythroblastosis fetalis) . When the disease is very severe it may cause haemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN), hydrops fetalis or stillbirth

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